Box Lox
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Card Clips
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Box Lox - Party Pack
Upcycle boxes and packaging into huge fun! With these clips made for cardboard, you can turn ordinary boxes that would end up in the garbage into a day of play and laughter! Easily create forts, structures, wearables, mazes, laser tag & foam dart blockades, wind powered objects, play areas and more!
Need clips and cardboard in one kit? Try the box lox kit blue here.
Kit includes:
• 480 Box Lox clips
• 1 fun idea booklet - basics, inspiration and more.
Works with: pizza boxes, foam board, Amazon boxes, food boxes, office boxes, USPS boxes, appliance boxes, corrugated cards, record mailers and nearly all types of boxes!
Made in the USA
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Create food stands, buildings, forts, castles and so much more!
Box Lox are perfect for building sturdy structures! Because of it's high durability, they are perfect for indoor or outdoor use! With Box Lox, it is easier than ever to recycle your household cardboard into that lemonade stand you've always wanted.

Build Pet Palaces for your prince and princess!
Your pets love boxes! What's even better? Constructing custom pet palaces for your little darlings! They will go wild for the tall towers, peep holes, stair steps, and beds. They will love to scratch and play on them, keeping them off of your prized furniture. Hang a Box Lox inside the palace for added entertainment!

Construct Custom Wearables!
With six different clip angles, the possibilities are endless! Construct custom jet packs, uniforms, armor, suits, hats, costumes, and so much more! With Box Lox, you can truly get creative and incorporate a wide range of diverse materials. Use rope or yarn for jet pack straps, paint and markers for added décor and flair, and tape for hinges.

Recycle Your Cardboard Into Creative Fun with Box Lox!
Did You Know?
Over 90% of all products shipped in the United States are shipped in corrugated boxes, which totals more than 400 billion square feet of cardboard. Recycling just one ton of cardboard will save 46 gallons of oil, 4000kW of electricity, 6.6 million BTU’s of energy, 9 cubic yards of landfill space, 17 trees and 7000 gallons of water. By upcycling boxes and packaging with Box Lox, you can turn ordinary boxes that would end up in the garbage into a day of play and laughter!

Proudly Manufactured in USA
All of our products here at Atwood Toys, Inc. are proudly manufactured and distributed in the USA. We offer a high quality, durably made product right here in the United States. Based in the heart of Ohio, we are within 600 miles from 60% of the United States and Canadian markets; this is a huge advantage for delivering our goods and services faster and more efficiently.